40 Under 40

Recognizing Georgia Southern’s Top Young Alumni

The Georgia Southern 40 Under 40 honor, presented by the Georgia Southern University Alumni Association, celebrates the rising stars of Eagle Nation. These exceptional young alumni are not just achieving success; they are soaring to new heights in business, leadership, community engagement, education, and philanthropy. This prestigious recognition shines a spotlight on those who are making a significant impact in their respective fields, embodying the very best of Georgia Southern’s spirit and shaping a brighter future.

The forty members of the class will be chosen (by a selection committee) based on their professional expertise and achievements, as well as dedication to charitable and community initiatives.

Nominations are open through March 31 2025.

Nominations must be submitted by someone other than the nominee. No self nominations will be accepted.  Please consider asking fellow alumni, employers or community leaders who are not members of the nominee’s immediate family to submit a nomination. Please review the award requirements and criteria before submitting your nomination(s).

Requirements of Honorees:

  • Must be a Georgia Southern or Armstrong graduate with a graduation date of 2020 or earlier. (undergraduate or graduate degree)
  • Must be under 40 by September 1, 2025
  • Must be willing to submit a professional headshot, if selected, to be published by the Georgia Southern University Alumni Association, Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing, and various Schools and Colleges as appropriate.
  • Must aspire to uphold the core values of Georgia Southern University of collaboration, academic excellence, discovery and innovation, integrity, openness and inclusion and sustainability.
  • Must demonstrate a commitment to maintaining a lifelong relationship with Georgia Southern University.
  • Must have made an impact in business, research, artistic, leadership, community, educational, and/or philanthropic endeavors.

The Selection Process    

The forty will be chosen by a selection committee based on their professional expertise and achievements, as well as dedication to charitable and community initiatives.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  • Can I nominate myself?
    No, nominees must be nominated by a family member, friend or colleague.
  • If my nominee was nominated in a previous award year, is he/she eligible to be nominated again?
    Yes, your nominee is eligible unless they are 40 or over.
  • Do multiple nominations help my nominee?
    Yes, the committee welcomes multiple nominations for a person as long as it is a different perspective from each nominator.  Nomination information should not be copied and pasted from one nominator to another nominator.
  • What information is the committee looking for?
    Please answer the questions thoughtfully and thoroughly.

Helpful Notes:

  • Be sure you know your nominee’s correct name and how it is spelled.  Please include a maiden name if applicable.
  • Be sure you know your nominee’s correct email address.

* The Georgia Southern University Alumni Association reserves the right to verify that the nominees meet the criteria and reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject any nominee for any reason.