Deputy Director, Clayton County Environmental Health
Class of ’08 | Board Position: Member
Sheree Sheppard Bass graduated in 2008 from Armstrong with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. She started her career with the University as a math and biology tutor, a lab technician and then moved on to become a biology lab instructor at the Georgia Southern Liberty Campus. She currently serves as the Environmental Health Director for the Clayton County Health District. Her undergraduate experience and employment with the University provided her with the skills and knowledge that would help her pursue a career in public health
Q: What is your career and how did Georgia Southern help you to prepare you for it?
A: I am the Environmental Health Director for the Clayton County Health District. When I first graduated in 2008 with a BS in Biology from Georgia Southern Armstrong Campus (at that time Armstrong Atlantic State University), I was granted the opportunity to begin my career with the University. I initially started my career as a math and biology tutor, biology lab technician, and then progressed to a biology lab instructor at the Liberty Campus. Accumulatively, my undergraduate experience and employment with Georgia Southern equipped me with the education and skills to assist me with pursuing my career in public health.
Q: What was your favorite part about being a Georgia Southern student and how has that impacted your engagement with the University through the Alumni Association?
A: My favorite part about being an Armstrong/Georgia Southern student was building life-long friendships and connections with my peers, faculty, and staff. From the study sessions with my peers, to the awesome labs and research experiences, great memories were created and will forever be cherished. Those connections and memories encouraged my engagement with the Alumni Association. I wanted to continue to pursue a connection to our alumni community.
Q: What does it mean to you to be a part of Georgia Southern’s Alumni Association?
A: Being a part of Georgia Southern’s Alumni Association is genuinely an honor. To be of service to our Georgia Southern community is meaningful because Georgia Southern is a hallmark in cultivating so many collegiate and professional careers. To be associated with such a remarkable University and Alumni Association is rewarding within itself.
Q: What made you want to join Georgia Southern’s Alumni Board?
A: As an alumna, I wanted to join the Alumni Board to assist with building connections with current alumni, current and future students, and our communities both local and abroad. My collegiate and professional career with Georgia Southern has been an asset to me. In the spirit of reciprocity, I want to serve as an asset to Georgia Southern by assisting in building, bridging, and maintaining lifelong connections as the University continues to grow.
Q: How do you hope to grow the University during your term as a board member?
A: During my term, I plan to assist with the University’s growth by being an active and attentive board member. I plan on being of assistance with disseminating information, participating in various alumni events and activities, and be of true service to the University.
Q: How can alumni get involved with the Alumni Association and why would you encourage them to do so?
A: Being an active member of the Alumni Association is a great way to stay connected and network with fellow alumni and friends. There are various ways for alumni to contribute to the growth and progress of the University through the Alumni Association. For example, alumni can participate in mentorship programs to connect and provide current students with guidance and preparation for their career paths. Attending events, volunteering, or even contributing a gift are all great ways for alumni to get involved. I encourage alumni to stay connected and updated through the website, social media, as well as be on the lookout for updates through email correspondence.
Q: Is there anything else you would like to add about the Alumni Association, your time as a GSU student, or the benefits to participating in alumni activities?
A: I just wanted to add that I am truly grateful for my peers, the faculty, and the staff members who made my undergraduate and career experiences with Armstrong/Georgia Southern is so amazing. Those connections and memories encouraged me to stay connected and involved and I hope to encourage my fellow alumni to do the same!